Start WE up
21 mag 2023
The European manifesto of female entrepreneurship presented in Bari: an event celebrating the commitment of women in industry and the establishment of the new group of women entrepreneurs of Confimi Industria Bari.
On Tuesday 21 May, Confimi Industria Bari hosted Vincenza Frasca, President of the Confimi Industria Women Entrepreneurs Group, at the Chamber of Commerce in Bari, for the presentation of the European Manifesto of Female Enterprise.
A long and meticulous work, shared with several Confederations, presented to the European and Italian Parliaments.
For Confimi Industria Bari it was also the occasion to present the formal constitution of the Territorial Women Entrepreneurs Group, crowning a long and formidable work carried out by the Women of Confimi Bari in recent years, who have dealt not only with Gender Gap, but also with Welfare, Sustainability, Security and Orientation. The host was Annarita Delzotto of Procmatech, the new President of the Women Entrepreneurs Group of Confimi Industria Bari, assisted by Giusy Cialdella of Steel Tech Vice President of Confimi Donne, Giacoma Punzo of EIS, Fabiola Ferro of LELI, Paola Scrimieri of Job Italia, Giusi Pappalepore of BeOn, Luisa Colonna of Insigth Pr, with the expert support of Paola Parente President of the Orientation Committee of Confimi Industria Bari. The works were introduced and moderated by Riccardo Figliolia General Secretary of CONFIMI Industria Bari. The speeches of Manuela Aloisi, the President of Confimi Industria Lecce and National Vice President of Confimi Donne, of Rita D'Arenzo Vice President of Confimi Industria Monza Brianza, of Paola Marras President of the Women Entrepreneurs Group of Confimi Bergamo and Monza Brianza by Alessandra Relmi were highly appreciated. Director of Confimi Industria Abruzzo and Valeria Manieri of Le Contemporanee. "The European Manifesto of Female Entrepreneurship “START WE UP” is the result of intense teamwork and represents an important step towards affirming the role of women in the world of industry. Confimi entrepreneurs have demonstrated a constant commitment to issues that have never been so current, such as gender equality, sustainability, safety and corporate welfare. I thank all my colleagues for their dedication, aware of the fact that we will continue to work to reduce the gender gap and create a more inclusive and prosperous work environment." A meeting therefore, almost all about women on the no longer postponable need for a necessary consolidation of the role of women in our industrial context. It emerged that much has certainly been done, but much still remains to be done in order not to deprive the production ecosystem of the fundamental, increasingly full and aware contribution of an entrepreneurship declined in women.
The conclusions were entrusted to the wise reflections of Gianna Elisa Berlingerio Director of the Department of Economic Development of the Puglia Region.